L4 Dip in Aesthetics

 QUALIFI Level 4 Diploma in Aesthetic Procedures for Skin Rejuvenation 

 QUALIFI Level 4 Diploma in Aesthetic Procedures for Skin Rejuvenation 

The aim of the QUALIFI Level 4 Diploma in Aesthetic Procedures for Skin Rejuvenation and associated Certificates is to provide learners with an understanding of the knowledge and skills to carry out advanced beauty therapy/aesthetic procedures, enabling learners to gain the necessary skills and essential underpinning knowledge to work commercially as a Practitioner. The Diploma will also provide opportunities for learners to develop the necessary occupational skills and competencies to progress directly into employment or to further study. Learners will develop practical skills for a career in Advanced Beauty Therapy/Aesthetic field.

Successful completion of the QUALIFI Level 4 Diploma in Aesthetic Procedures for Skin Rejuvenation will enable learners to progress onto the QUALIFI Level 5 Certificate in Aesthetic Practice

The theory element of this course will be delivered online PRIOR to attendance. Essential information will be recapped during the course, and you will have access to discuss any queries with a tutor throughout the online learning process.

Units included

Health, safety, and hygiene for aesthetic procedures - learners will be able to apply their knowledge and understanding of implementing the essential health, safety and hygiene measures when preparing for and throughout delivery of the aesthetic procedures

Client consultation for aesthetic procedures - underpins the practical technical units within the qualification/s. Learners will be able to conduct a concise consultation to determine and/or adapt the required procedure/s to meet the client’s needs and achieve the desired outcome/s. 

The biochemistry and biology of cells - learners will be able to understand the biochemistry and biology of cells, how cell specialisation and organisation lead to increasing complexity and understanding the structure and function of the major organ systems.

Skin morphology and the inflammatory response - learners will be able to understand the structure and function of the skin and its appendages, the inflammatory response and skin remodelling, facial anatomy and the effect of aging on facial bones.

Skin disorders and diseases relative to aesthetic practice - learners will develop knowledge of the common skin types, diseases, and disorders, the skin aging process, plus the underpinning facial anatomy and physiology relating to bones, muscles and nerve supply.

Skin rejuvenation using microneedling – learners will be able to use automated and hand-held microneedling devices to rejuvenate the face and body skin condition and reduce or remove skin imperfections and mild pigmentary conditions.

Skin rejuvenation using superficial chemical peels – learners will be able to choose the correct superficial chemical peels to rejuvenate the skin and reduce or remove skin imperfections and mild pigmentary conditions.

Skincare to support aesthetic procedures - learners will gain the skills and knowledge to provide facial skincare treatments to improve and maintain the skin condition. This unit also provides learners with the essential foundation to prepare the skin for more advanced skin rejuvenation treatments and procedures.


For this qualification, applicants must be aged 18 or over, who have achieved a Level 3 qualification or apprenticeship in Beauty Therapy or have equivalent qualifications and/or substantial industry experience for direct entry to Level 4.

The aesthetic practitioner must have a First Aid at Work qualification or equivalent

Regulated Course - Only £199

Online delivery

L2/3 Beauty units required

Written Assignments

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